Season 1 Trailer

April 18, 2022 00:03:26
Season 1 Trailer
Disability Empowerment Now
Season 1 Trailer

Apr 18 2022 | 00:03:26


Show Notes

The Disability Empowerment Now Podcast is launching at the end of April! Get to know your host, Keith Murfee-DeConcini, before the launch of the first episode on April 30th, 2022, by listening to this trailer. Thank you for listening and we will see you again at the end of April! Follow the podcast on Facebook, […]
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:03 Welcome to the disability empowerment. Now, pod cats. I'm your hoes. Keith Murphy de Gini. I am a disability advocate, Conley locate in Tucson, Arizona. I'm launching this podcast focusing on disability, empowerment and advocacy. There's no supplies there am I right for VI season, we have a great led of disability advocates from the HES coats to the we coats. I want to promote both local and national talent. You may not know like Lon, who is the democratic member of the Arizona house of representatives representing did strict. Speaker 2 00:01:17 When the seat became open. The one that I currently hold, I, um, really started advocating someone needs to run for this. Someone needs to run for this that understands the issue of gun violence and women's rights. Someone needs to run for this who is going to speak for the disability community. I need to know that the next person to hold this seat is going to see me and care about the issues that are important to me. And I started getting phone calls that said, Jen, you are someone. Speaker 1 00:01:54 We also have former El Arizona Dini, who would Italy in the room where it happened when it comes to did civil legislation in the 1990s. Speaker 3 00:02:17 And, uh, there was, there was a little bit of push backwards that we can talk about, but it was, uh, something that was overdue for a long time. There'd been discrimination for people with disability for a long time. And it just hadn't been, you know, nobody thought it was that big a deal. Uh, but indeed it was particularly if you happen to be one of those people, but even if you're not what's right, is right, Speaker 1 00:02:44 You can get the full seeds in. One gets, lets on a S page, LinkedIn page and website, they will be linked in the show notes of this trailer. I'm really excited about starting this podcast. Thank you for listening. And we plan to launch the birds episode at the end of April, 2022.

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